quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

Touch the mystery

One day
I was told a secret
That revealed Life’s mystery
“Live present and intensely” – it was said
“Remove all the accumulated layers, 
and then you will see who you really are”
It continued saying
“The truth lives within your heart,
Go there and all hearts you shall find
Never the other way around”

Intention is a potential seed planted in our hearts; it becomes fuel for the burning flame of the soul. Intention guides the unfolding creation of life and transforms dreams into reality. Intention molds our path through life. If we are intended to evolve with Life and reclaim our authenticity, the communion with the whole of Life is a must.
The intention to touch Life's mystery, the living truth in our hearts, is essential to commune with the whole of Life. This communion comes into being when thoughts and wishes are dissolved by silent presence.  More than intention, we must act through attention and presence in order to unveil the illusion layers accumulated over ages, so we can dissolve all the false images to reach the pure center.

Do you ever question your intentions? Are you present and attentive enough to perceive your inner motivations and movements?

In creating a relationship with oneself, the communion with the whole of Life comes into being. This is the first fundamental shift, to dissolve boundaries and perceive there’s no separation, that we’re all particles of a cosmic flow. The verbal speech or mental idea is never the thing, therefore, there’s a vital need to integrate those inclusiveness concepts into our perceived reality, from regular daily choices to significant resolutions. We cannot continue to overlook this reality and remain on the same path, which is separating us from the whole of life.  
Once the levels of awareness are enhanced, one is sensitive and attentive to one’s own motivations and mind movements. A relationship is then established. The most vital relationship is the selfless relationship of one with oneself, because within this relationship lies the nourishment of the Divine sparkle present in us. In this relationship lies the opportunity to truly connect with the whole of life and its sacredness. In this relationship lies the Divine light present in all existence. This relationship carries our purpose within life. When this relationship is not well established and rooted, no other relationship will be or even exist.
Therefore, self-discovery and awareness are the guides to the sacred and silent space within us, the space beyond the mind’s limit. Self-discovery is essential to dissolve all the illusions created by the ignorant and conditioned mind, which do not allow this vital relationship to occur. One must be present and fully aware to perceive all the mind motivations and movements, and then comprehension and communion can be a reality.  

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