sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2013

Ecological awareness

The world is spinning fast, since the industrial revolution, in the 17th century, our speed seems to be increasing consistently. The more commodities humankind invents to facilitate life, the more we disconnect from ourselves and life itself. This accelerated lifestyle leads to suffering and forgetfulness. We’re so busy pursuing our own desires and ambitions, looking for self-benefits and advantage over others that we’ve forgotten about mutual collaboration and interconnectedness. We’ve forgotten we’re the cells of a bigger body; humankind is a part of the Earth and depends on it to survive, not the other way around.
The holistic view of the world includes all dimensions of life, from subtle energy fields to biocultural diversity, and not only the researchable matter. The dimension of matter and form is animated by a spiritual force or unseen fields of intelligent energy, in which all living forms are immersed. This perception of a connected and interdependent web of life is suppressed by the economic paradigm, which sees natural resources and living beings as commodities to be used and abused.
The age of technology and information has connected us virtually, but sadly, we continue to separate us from others, and we persist on living in a state of competition and exploitation. The economic growth model encourages mass production, consumerism and expansion, at a very high cost, the destruction of nature, our home and life source. This destructive paradigm has infected humankind, somehow we truly believe that the economic force is vital for our existence, paradoxically, this force is putting our existence in danger. Therefore, a shift in our perception of life is vital, we cannot continue on this destructive path anymore.
Ecological awareness and wise consumption is an urgent need, transcending the crucial lifestyle shift that must be made in order for our civilization to survive the current ecological crises. Ecological awareness must rise from a deeper sense of responsibility and consciousness towards the whole of life and the sacred Earth. This shift integrates the spiritual and physical dimensions as a unified entity, profoundly interconnected and not separated.
  To consume wisely is to fully comprehend a product’s lifecycle, its consequences to the environment and future generations’ impact. Based on this comprehension, one can make wise choices considering those factors, and not only guided by a blind desire to consume and possess. When we consume a product, we must be aware of the product’s origin, how it was manufactured and its harmful impact in to the environment. Therefore, wise consumption implies product lifecycle awareness, reflection on the real need of consumption and a deep sense of respect towards the Earth, other species and future generations.

 We must keep in mind that our personal choices, from ordinary daily picks to vital resolutions have a significant impact, not only on our destiny, but also on the whole of life. Therefore, to live in harmony we have to choose wise, considering all living creatures’ wellbeing. We must recognize the Earth as a self-organized and self-regulated being with life on its own, a being that deserves our deep respect. Then, the connection with the Earth and life comes into being. 

Love ~ Peace ~ Awareness

terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2013

Taste the apple yourself

It is only when we have the courage to face things
Exactly as they are, without any self-deception or illusion
That a light will develop out of events
By which the path to success may be recognized.

(I Ching)

Imagine you’re in a total different place, a dimension or environment never entered before. Curiosity arises. All of your physical senses are in alert mode; you perceive every single detail; like colors, shapes, textures, smells and taste. Everything is bright and vivid, intriguing and mesmerizing. There’s a force attracting and involving you to discover the place. You want to explore this new dimension or environment with your eyes, ears and hands, with all of your being. You don’t want to miss any aspect of it. To understand and get to know anything, we must observe and comprehend it, touch it with all of our senses and integrate the whole. The path to comprehend ourselves and be a whole being is not different. We must jump into this new dimension with totality, dissolving any resistance or identification.
Can you taste the sweetness of an apple through books or someone else’s explanation? No, you cannot. To know what an apple is, you must hold it in your hands, feel its texture, perceive the form, smell the fragrance and taste its juicy and sweet flavor. Otherwise, you will form a mental idea or concept of what an apple might be, and remember, there’s always a gap separating the concept from the reality. To comprehend the apple, you have to understand the environmental conditions it grows. What kind of soil and climate benefit its growing and ripening process. In reading books or attending classes, you’ll have an idea of what an apple is or you might even become an expert, but unless you’re intrigued enough to discover by yourself, you will never incorporate the nutritive values present in an apple. The moment you create a connection with the apple and incorporate its richness, there’s no more separation or need for concepts. Now, the apple and its nutrients are a dynamic part of you.   
The same happens to us, when we observe ourselves close enough, without any interference, either by denial or identification, a dynamic intimate relationship comes into being. This relationship doesn’t come about through books and concepts, mediators and highly skilled professionals. Although, they can assist us, we cannot taste the apple through them. The inner relationship rises when we refine our inner senses and dissolve all the walls, allowing union to take place. When we orientate our senses inwardly, with passion to discover every aspect we carry within, a bright and vivid dimension is entered. An opportunity is then offered, now we can unify the human aspects with the spiritual ones, being aware of the energetic fields that animate the physical world and keep us alive.  
If you want to know yourself better and comprehend your thoughts, actions, motivations, patterns and limitations, you must develop an inner connection through presence and attentiveness. Why should you do it? To embrace your whole being and live in harmony with yourself, other beings and the environment we’re immersed in. In creating and nourishing an inner relationship, a connection with the whole of life is also created. Instead of feeling a victim of circumstances, you embrace your co-creator part. Clarity, alignment and insight are also present when the inner senses are refined.
Open your inner eyes and explore your mental images. Synchronize your inner ears and listen to your internal conversations attentively. Light the flame of awareness and touch your dark and rejected fragments. Feel your emotions and responses, let them arise without resistance and let them go without identification. 
Taste the apple. Be present and attentive. Refine the inner senses and synchronize them with the outer ones. Comprehend yourself and embrace the whole.

Love ~ Peace ~ Awareness

segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013

Breathe the moment

Breathe the moment
Every moment
Breathe life
Bring life in and be
One With Life

Walk through the breath bridge
Cross it in total awareness
Come this way
And you will find the gate of full acceptance
Without any resistance
Open the Present door
It is in front of you
Enter the veiled dimension 
Where opponents have no room
Stillness reveals itself in a moment
Contentment flows from the silence fountain
Irradiating its golden light 
Contemplate your empty essence
When sacred pulsates Love’s vibration

Let’s breathe consciously and be aware of our inner movements. Wishing you all a blessed and mindful week

Love ~ Peace ~ Awareness

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013


It’s been an intense week, inner and outer movements shaking the core of Brazil, its society and citizens. A light of hope is shining bright and an urge for real transformation is pulsating in the majority of Brazilian’s hearts. The population is gathering on the streets to protest against the abusive government. More than a million people have taken part in the manifestation last night, a nonviolent protest in over 100 Brazilian cities. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the meaning of nonviolent protest.
What started as an isolated complaint over high transport fares, transformed into the most powerful popular expression the country has ever seen. One voice, marching peacefully, shouting “ENOUGH”. The message is clear; the population cannot accept being ignored by the political leaders anymore.  No, it’s not about mere 20 cents or the overrated World Cup.  The Brazilian voice is strong, the population is demanding a basic living condition, where education, healthcare, security, social equality, among others, are taken into account.  
In expressing our desire for a social and political revolution, we’re stating our inner agony. The hunger for justice and a better reality is manifesting strongly in each one of us, indolence was put aside and real action is replacing it. In a flash of light, a moment of lucidity emerged. Yes, there is hope. Brazil is a beautiful country, full of potential, biodiversity and strength. Our strength, as the people who form this country, must be reclaimed. We must be aware of our power for real transformation and use it to benefit the whole population, including all minorities, natural resources and all forms of life.  

Just as vital as going to the streets to demonstrate we have a voice to be heard, is the need to observe how each one of us contribute to the devastating system rooted in our country. At this point, just an inner revolution will be able to sustain the long-term transformation the society is claiming for. I strongly believe that, a great opportunity is rising for us, Brazilians. It’s time to put on the scale our values and attitudes towards life. We must rethink our choices and motivations carefully. After all, a society is the reflex of individuals. 

Honestly, I wish this to be the start of a national pacific revolution, perhaps, even a worldwide one. May this wish penetrate deep into our collective consciousness, transforming our daily choices and social reality. I wish for peaceful days. I wish every single child in this country could have the opportunity to go to school and be educated. I wish every single person in this country could have food on their plates, on a daily basis. I wish every single person in this country could have access to a decent healthcare system. I wish our political leaders could integrate the responsibility of leading a country with ethics, dignity and honor. I wish our political leaders could protect and consider their people. I wish the people could also honor and respect each other. I wish violence, corruption, impunity and injustice could be replace by peace, honesty and justice. I wish we could all build a new reality and a new world together.

Love ~ Peace ~Awareness
Bruna Kadletz

quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

Touch the mystery

One day
I was told a secret
That revealed Life’s mystery
“Live present and intensely” – it was said
“Remove all the accumulated layers, 
and then you will see who you really are”
It continued saying
“The truth lives within your heart,
Go there and all hearts you shall find
Never the other way around”

Intention is a potential seed planted in our hearts; it becomes fuel for the burning flame of the soul. Intention guides the unfolding creation of life and transforms dreams into reality. Intention molds our path through life. If we are intended to evolve with Life and reclaim our authenticity, the communion with the whole of Life is a must.
The intention to touch Life's mystery, the living truth in our hearts, is essential to commune with the whole of Life. This communion comes into being when thoughts and wishes are dissolved by silent presence.  More than intention, we must act through attention and presence in order to unveil the illusion layers accumulated over ages, so we can dissolve all the false images to reach the pure center.

Do you ever question your intentions? Are you present and attentive enough to perceive your inner motivations and movements?

In creating a relationship with oneself, the communion with the whole of Life comes into being. This is the first fundamental shift, to dissolve boundaries and perceive there’s no separation, that we’re all particles of a cosmic flow. The verbal speech or mental idea is never the thing, therefore, there’s a vital need to integrate those inclusiveness concepts into our perceived reality, from regular daily choices to significant resolutions. We cannot continue to overlook this reality and remain on the same path, which is separating us from the whole of life.  
Once the levels of awareness are enhanced, one is sensitive and attentive to one’s own motivations and mind movements. A relationship is then established. The most vital relationship is the selfless relationship of one with oneself, because within this relationship lies the nourishment of the Divine sparkle present in us. In this relationship lies the opportunity to truly connect with the whole of life and its sacredness. In this relationship lies the Divine light present in all existence. This relationship carries our purpose within life. When this relationship is not well established and rooted, no other relationship will be or even exist.
Therefore, self-discovery and awareness are the guides to the sacred and silent space within us, the space beyond the mind’s limit. Self-discovery is essential to dissolve all the illusions created by the ignorant and conditioned mind, which do not allow this vital relationship to occur. One must be present and fully aware to perceive all the mind motivations and movements, and then comprehension and communion can be a reality.  

terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

Confessions of a hopeless romantic

You’re gone
But your perfume was left within
Your smell fulfills my heart
A fragrance that lives in me

I don’t know how to tell
Your perfume to go away
Yet I know I cannot keep
Inviting it to stay

Every night
I wait for you
Hoping to sense your warmth
When touching my silky skin

Wearing nothing but
My hopeless romantic heart
I wait for you
In my dreams

Sometimes you visit me
Every beat
Every breath taken
For a moment with you

You’re gone
But you never left
You’re here
But you never stayed

How can I tell you
To go away
If my heart keeps
inviting you to stay 

segunda-feira, 17 de junho de 2013

Blossom like a Lotus flower

Photo taken in the Summer Palace (Beijing - China)

Just like a Lotus flower
Purify yourself
When in contaminated waters
Transform the mental and emotional pollution
Into the most beautiful bud
Do not let the daily turbulence
Divert you from Life’s light
Embrace your pure essence
And flourish awareness

Treat thoughts and emotions as temporary guests. They knock on your door and you let them in. Listen considerately to what the unexpected visitors have to say, give them attention and care. Do not fight back, do not question or judge them, just listen. The more you resist by thinking I shouldn’t be feeling this way or I just want this thought to go away, the longer they will stay. Resistance is an attachment magnet, in wanting to get rid of the thought, emotion or situation, the lesson isn’t learned, so the visitors will continue to knock on your door and you will continue to attract them to come back. There’s a message to be heard, be the empty receptacle for them to manifest, knowing your center is pure and untouchable by them. As they come, they will leave once you set them free, once you set yourself free. Do not invite them to stay, just listen and let them go away. The more you observe your inner movements, the closer you get to yourself and your pure center, until the moment you perceive there’s actually no separation. Then, you’re not dominated by obsessive thoughts anymore; you’re not trapped in repetitive patterns and situations; you allow your pure center to emerge and blossom, just like a beautiful Lotus flower.  

domingo, 16 de junho de 2013

Light of Awareness

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us “Universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest; a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
~ Albert Einstein ~ 

I often ask myself what went wrong with humanity, is the chaotic and violent world we live in a reality we must accept without questioning? Is the path for individual and social transformation based on complaining, blaming and the maintenance of the same life style? Or each one of us should look within to comprehend what sustains our daily choices, what motivates our thoughts and actions towards life and other living beings? 

Our existence is limited in time and space. The human form comes into being with the birth and ends with the death. In between those days, there's the thing we like to call "my life". "My life" and every human being's life is the very content of the mind, the accumulation of experiences, knowledge, personal stories, memories, anxieties, fears, emotions, hope, expectations, dreams, beliefs and the perception of this content. Somehow, the content, a.k.a. movement of thought, determines our existence, shaping how we perceive and treat the world. In stepping out the idea of "my life" a new dimension arise, a perception not attached to self-motivations and interests. There's a wider living dimension beyond our limits, called Reality.  
When we bring the light of awareness to our daily choices, we make wiser and healthier decisions. Direct the light of awareness to the mind's content, so you can illuminate the structure that guides you through existence. In comprehending how the content is born and held we refine our sensibility and become aware of our inner motivations, what kind of conditioning or belief system is supporting a certain hidden pattern. Once we’re intimate of our thoughts unnecessary fear and suffering are dissolved and not suppressed anymore.
One must inquiry the pertinence of those questions and how understanding the human mind can improve life in this Planet, not ideologically but factually. One must inquiry the level of willingness and commitment present in the intention to transform oneself, not ideologically but factually. 

sábado, 15 de junho de 2013

Inspire Life

“Breathe the moment
Bring Life in
Inspire Life & Be inspired”

The same way our physical body needs air and vital force to function and stay alive, our heart and soul need daily doses of inspiration to maintain our inner fire burning. The inner fire is the energy that sustains Life’s unseen dimension and illuminates the path of Love & Compassion. When inspired, we’re vivid, full of Life and Light. The modern lifestyle induces us to forget about our inner fire, we became so worried about work, consumed by the need for accomplishments and absorbed in preoccupations that we don’t feed our inner fire. This way of living made us overlook our vital need for inspiration. Don’t let your soul be hungry for attention, inspire Life and feed your soul.
The word “inspiration” has its origins in the Latin word Inspirare, meaning to inhale. Therefore, inspiration can be seen as the inhalation of a flash of light that nurtures the soul and illuminates the mind, so we can be creative and see things clearly, without the usual mind turmoil. Daily doses of inspiration have the power to revitalize our motivations, enriching our moments as we see Life with grateful eyes.
My daily dose of inspiration is obtained in silent moments, when I’m communing with my inner space and keeping the flame alive. Anything that brings us back to the present moment can be inspirational, because Life can only be inhaled when we’re fully present and mindful. A dose of nature’s beauty also fulfills the heart, just as inspirational words. Discover what brings you back to you and inspire the moment, keep your inner flame alive. 

sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2013

Bee One With Life

"...Go to your fields and your gardens, and you shall learn that it is the pleasure of the bee to gather honey of the flower,

But it is also the pleasure of the flower to yield its honey to the bee.

For to the bee a flower is a fountain of life,
And to the flower a bee is a messenger of love,
And to both, bee and flower, the giving and the receiving of pleasure is a need and an ecstasy."

Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

Isn't Love the infinite field that connects all of us, sustaining Life and enriching our existence? Go into your inner field and you will find Love’s melody vibrating within, buzzing from flower to flower, and expanding it into a vast colorful and vivid plan of Loving possibilities.
Just like a Bee transfer pollen from a male to a female plant, allowing diversity to manifest and sustaining the whole of Life, be Love’s messenger yourself. Allow your inner field to expand and grow, so we can all merge our Loving possibilities into the infinite field of Love. Pollinate Life with compassion and kindness, not ideologically but factually. Observe your thoughts and actions, how you treat yourself and living beings in general, add some perfume to your words and gentleness to your movements. Gather nectar from Life and produce honey, the golden sweet taste that melts our hearts. There's no need to be either greed or selfish, share the sweet taste of Life with all beings, without discrimination nor need for gratification. A bee doesn't seek recognition or rewards; a bee is One With Life because it nourishes Life through its devotion and surrender. When a honeybee finds a source of nectar, it returns to the Bee comb and performs a dance to signalize the nectar fountain's location, so all honeybees can access their fountain of Life. The intriguing dance tells other nectar searchers the source's exact distance and direction, not keeping it as a secret. The honeybee shares the location because it knows the fountain of Life is infinite; because it knows its own survival depends on the harmonic relationship to other bees; because it knows the species perpetuation depends on cooperation; because it knows Life is nourished through it. We, human beings, learn how to compete with each other and not to cooperate. In cooperation Love is shared and Life is cultivated. Let's dance Love's melody to each other and create a harmonic and sweet world.